The Electrolube ER2188K5K epoxy encapsulation compound is a high-quality, two-component solution specifically designed for encapsulating and sealing components. Weighing 5 kg and packaged in convenient containers, this product offers an efficient and cost-effective solution for a variety of applications. The compound is characterized by its flame retardancy and the use of a hardener component that is free from DDM or other aromatic amines. This results in reduced emission of toxic gases and smoke while maintaining excellent electrical properties and outstanding chemical resistance.
The encapsulation compound remains stable under mechanical stress and is resistant to many chemical products, including solvents. Its excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates makes it a universally applicable option. The compound is UL94 V-0 certified and complies with RoHS directives, making it a safe choice in various industrial applications. With a shelf life of 18 months to 2 years, this product guarantees longevity and reliability for your technical needs.
- Packaging type
Packaging type
- container
- Large container
Large container
- 5 kg
- PU
- 1 piece
- Shelf life
Shelf life
- 2 years , 18 months
- only complete packaging units (PU) available -