The image displays a soldering iron vacuum with a black and silver casing. In the center, there is a large digital display featuring temperature readings and control knobs.

Product Family

WXD 2 Supply unit

Article image
Article description
Temperature range
154 mm
135 mm
174 mm
200 / 255 W
50 - 550 °C

This product is compatible with (for example):

The image displays a tattoo machine with a metal grip and a cable connected to a colored base. The base features a round cutout and a dark color.
WXDP 120 desoldering set 120 W with WDH 70 rest

374,25 EUR
The image displays a soldering stand with a soldering tip. The stand is black with blue and yellow elements, containing a bronze-like cleaning coil. A cable extends from the soldering tip.
WXMP micro soldering iron set, 24, 40 Watt
- Micro soldering iron WXMP
- Safety rest WDH 51
- Soldering tip RT 3

274,70 EUR
The image shows a soldering iron stand with a gold-colored cleaning brush. Next to the stand is a digital soldering iron with two pointed metal probes and a cable.
WXMT MS Soldering/desolderting tweezer set, 24V,
2 x 40 Watt
- Micro-desoldering tweezers mxMT MS + tips RTW2MS
- safety rest WSR 204
++for high-precision standard and microsoldering applications,
RT Micro short heating-up time ++

343,60 EUR
The image displays a soldering iron set. A soldering station with a black cover and a golden cleaning sponge. Next to it lies the silver soldering iron with a rubberized handle and a fine tip.
WXMP MS Soldering iron set, consisting of:
- WXMP MS Ultra soldering iron 12V/55W
+ RTM013SMS tip
- safety rest WSR 200

++for high-precision standard and microsoldering applications
Micro short heating up time ++

308,20 EUR
The image shows a soldering iron with a cable and a soldering iron stand. The stand is black with gray and metallic elements and includes a fine, metallic cleaning spiral.
WXP 80 soldering iron 80 W
with rest WDH10

287,15 EUR

This product is similar to:

The image shows a black D-Sub connector with 9 pins. It has a rectangular shape and features two screws on the sides for mounting. A brand logo is visible at the top.
WX adapter for WFE/WHP
to connect the WX station with WFE
solder fume extraction systems or WHP
pre-heating plate, WX cable additionally required

25,35 EUR
The image shows a black plug with a trapezoidal end that has five small, round contacts. On the top, it reads "Wieler". The plug has two metal connectors on the sides.
WX adapter for PC
to connect the WX station to a PC
WX cable additionally required

23,95 EUR
The image shows a rectangular, silver-colored device with cooling fins and an attached cable connection. It has a smooth, flat surface in the middle and yellow warning symbols.
Preheating plate WXHP 120
Temperature range 50 °C - 200 °C, 120 W, 24 V
Can be connected to WX 1, WX 2, WXD 2,
WXA 2, WXR 3

570,46 EUR