
This product is compatible with (for example):

DSX 80 desoldering iron Kit, 80 W / 24 V
with desoldering iron DSX80, safety rest WDH 30,
suction nozzle DX 112 + DX 113, cleaning kit and
seal for glass container

370,40 EUR
HAP 1 hot air iron 100 W / 24 V
with hot air nozzle R06, round, d = 3.0 mm
WDH 30, R04 hot air nozzle 1.2 mm

335,00 EUR

This product is similar to:

WX adapter for PC
to connect the WX station to a PC
WX cable additionally required

23,95 EUR
WX adapter for WFE/WHP
to connect the WX station with WFE
solder fume extraction systems or WHP
pre-heating plate, WX cable additionally required

25,35 EUR
112,95 EUR