Creation of an ESD control program
ESD planning is everything!

Creation of an ESD control program

Creating an ESD control program according to the standard DIN EN 61340-5-1 is important and necessary for the implementation and application as well as the verification of ESD protective measures. The ESD control program must satisfy the individual requirements of your processes and products. The ESD control program documents your measures and ensures their implementation and verification.

ESD audit

An ESD audit is carried out based on your ESD control program. The audit verifies the implementation of and compliance of the ESD control program, documents deviations and certifies compliance in an audit report.

ESD (Electrostatic discharge)
Transfer of charge between bodies with different electrostatic potentials
ESDS (Electrostatic Sensitive Devices)
Components sensitive to electrostatic discharge
EPA (Electrostatic Protected Area)
ESD protection zone for handling electrostatically sensitive components

These symbols indicate that this is ESD protective equipment used for handling ESDS:

C (conductive)
Electrostatically conductive.
These are packaging/materials with a surface resistance of < 1 x 10 4 Ω
D (dissipative)
Electrostatically dissipative.
These are packaging/materials with a surface resistance of > 1 x 104 Ω to < 1 x 1011 Ω
S (shielding)
Shielding effect against electrostatic discharge with strong absorption of acting energies and dissipative
ESD SUSCEPTIBLE (= electrostatically sensitive)
The symbol has been used since 1984. It marks electrostatically sensitive components and assemblies.
ESD PROTECTIVE (= electrostatically protective)
The symbol was introduced in 1994 in addition to the ESD Susceptible symbol. It is used for marking ESD protective products like antistatic mats, trolleys, clothing, protective covers, cartons, fabrics etc.

Is is recommended to adhere to the following international standards:

As of
Standard contents
DIN IEC/TR 61340-1
VDE 0300-1
Electrostatics - Part 1: Electrostatic processes - Fundamentals and measurements - (IEC/TR 61340-1:2012 + Cor1:2013 + COR2:2017 + AMD1:2020)
DIN EN 61340-2-1
VDE 0300-2-1
Electrostatics – Part 2-1: Measurement methods – Ability of materials and products to dissipate electrostatic charges – (IEC 61340-2-1:2015)
DIN EN 61340-2-3
VDE 0300-2-3
Electrostatics – Test methods for the determination of the resistance and resistivity of solid flat materials used to avoid electrostatic charge – (IEC 61340-2-3:2000)
DIN EN 61340-4-1
VDE 0300-4-1
Electrostatics – Part 4-1: Standard test methods for special applications – Electrical resistance of floor coverings and installed floors – (IEC 61340-4-1:2003 + A1:2015)
DIN IEC/TS 61340-4-2
VDE V 0300-4-2
Electrostatics – Part 4-2: Standard test methods for special applications – Electrostatic properties of textiles (IEC/TS 61340-4-2:2013)
DIN EN 61340-4-3
VDE 0300-4-3
Electrostatics – Standard test methods for special applications – Footwear – (IEC 61340-4-3:2001)
DIN EN 61340-4-4
VDE 0300-4-4
Electrostatics – Part 4-4: Standard test methods for special applications – Classification of flexible bulk solids containers (FIBC) in electrostatic terms – (IEC 61340-4-4:2012 + A1:2014)
DIN EN 61340-4-5
VDE 0300-4-5
Electrostatics – Part 4-5: Standard test methods for special applications – Methods for characterizing the electrostatic protective effect of footwear and floor in combination with a person – (IEC 61340-4-5:2004)
DIN EN 61340-4-6
VDE 0300-4-6
Electrostatics – Part 4-6: Standard test methods for special applications – Wrist straps – (IEC 61340-4-6:2015)
DIN EN 61340-4-7
VDE 0300-4-7
Electrostatics – Part 4-7: Standard test methods for special applications – Ionization – (IEC 61340-4-7:2017)
DIN EN 61340-4-8
VDE 0300-4-8
Electrostatics - Part 4-8: Standard test methods for special applications - Shielding against electrostatic discharge - Bags - (IEC 61340-4-8:2014)
DIN EN 61340-4-9
VDE 0300-4-9
Electrostatics – Part 4-9: Standard test methods for special applications – Shielding against electrostatic discharge – Clothing – (IEC 61340-4-9:2016)
DIN EN 61340-5-1
VDE 0300-5-1 Beiblatt 1
Electrostatics – Part 5-1: Protection of electronic components against electrostatic phenomena – General requirements – (IEC 61340-5-1:2016
DIN EN 61340-5-2
VDE 0300-5-2
Electrostatics – Part 5-2: Protection of electronic components against electrostatic phenomena – User manual – (IEC TR 61340-5-1:2018)
DIN EN 61340-5-3
VDE 0300-5-3
Electrostatics – Part 5-3: Protection of electronic components against electrostatic phenomena – Properties and requirements for the classification of packaging used for components sensitive to electrostatic discharges – (IEC 61340-5-3:2015)

Products marked with the ESD symbol in our shop or catalog comply with the technical specifications according to DIN EN 61340-5-1 (2017)

The measures for ESD protection are defined in the ESD control program. Every company has different processes and will therefore need a different mix of individual protective measures for an optimal ESD control program. It is crucial that these measures are selected according to technical necessity and carefully documented in an ESD control program plan so that all stakeholders are aware of the program requirements.

Requirements for an ESD control program

The organization has to create, document, introduce, maintain and verify compliance with the program in accordance with the requirements of the DIN EN 61340-5-1 standard.

ESD Coordinator

A person must be appointed by the organization with the responsibility to comply with this requirement. The following factors should be taken into account:

  • Appointment by the management
  • ESD coordinator is responsible for the implementation of all measures
  • Define the necessary ESD protection measures in suitable work instructions
  • Control implementation in the individual areas
  • The necessary understanding is a prerequisite
  • Initiate and supervise internal auditing
  • Control and, if necessary, determination of the properties of newly procured ESD materials

ESD Control program plan

The organization has to prepare an ESD control program plan that corresponds all the requirements of the program. These requirements are:

  • Training
  • Product qualification
  • Verification of compliance
  • Grounding / connection systems
  • Personnel grounding
  • EPA requirements
  • Packaging systems
  • Marking

Personnel grounding

When handling ESDS, all personnel must be grounded or connected to the equipotential bonding system in accordance with the requirements specified below. In case personnel is seated at the ESD-protected workstation, it must be connected to ground via a wrist strap system. In standing positions, personnel can be grounded via a wrist strap system or the footwear-floor system. If a footwear-floor system is used, the personnel has to wear ESD footwear on both feet and the following two conditions must be met:

  • The total resistance of the system (from the person to the footwear and the ground to the ground) must be less than 1,0 x 109 Ohm
  • The maximum body voltage generated must be < 100 V

ESD-protected zone (EPA)

ESDS without an ESD protective cover or ESD protective packaging have to be handled in an EPA. The boundaries of the EPA must be clearly indicated as such (e.g. warning signs indicating the presence of the EPA should be placed in such a way that they are clearly visible to the personnel before entering the EPA).

For example, an EPA can consist of a building, an entire room, or a single workplace. Access to the EPA must be limited to personnel who have completed an appropriate ESD training. Untrained individuals must be accompanied by trained personnel while they are in the EPA.

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