The image displays a device resembling a measuring instrument with a yellow surface. In the center, there is a rotatable knob with various resistance values ranging from 200 to 1 GΩ.

Product Family

Verification Unit

Article image
Article description
Recommended calibration interval
Height [mm]
Length [mm]
Width [mm]
3 years bzw. according to test equipment list

This product is compatible with (for example):

The image displays a black surface resistance meter with a large white button in the center and two sockets at the bottom. Colored scales for resistance values are shown at the top.
SRM 110 - surface resistance meter
incl. storage bag, grounding wire,
9V battery and factory calibration certificate

Serial no.:

268,00 EUR
The image shows a handy device with a black casing and a yellow surface. It has a digital display and several buttons, including a large red central button.
SRM 200 - surface resistance meter
handheld meter for the testing of
conductive and disspative surfaces

555,00 EUR
The image displays a compact, rectangular measuring device in bright yellow with a digital display and a large rotary knob. There are several buttons and a carrying strap on the side.
Metriso B530 basic meter with cables
consisting of:
-digital high resistance meter Metriso B530 +
connecting cables
-Calibration certificate
(without accessories)

Serial No.:

890,00 EUR
The image shows an orange measuring device with a digital display and a large rotary knob. It has buttons and a carrying strap on the side. It is used for performing insulation measurements.
Metriso 3000 meter with measuring lines
Menu language German/English
(without accessories)

Scope of delivery:
high resistance meter Metriso 3000, measuringl lines, user manual, calibration certificate

serial number:

1.736,00 EUR

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The image shows a handy device with a black casing and a yellow surface. It has a digital display and several buttons, including a large red central button.
SRM 200 - surface resistance meter
handheld meter for the testing of
conductive and disspative surfaces

555,00 EUR